The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.
The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here.
We don’t claim the EESystem heals you of any disorder. What it does is activate your body’s innate healing mechanisms. Your body wants to heal! Give it the environment it needs!
In addition to the Scalar Waves, world-renowned Physicist, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael (often referred to as the modern-day Nikola Tesla) has programmed in dozens of other frequencies shown to have a positive affect on our biology:
- Schumann resonance (cell regeneration)
- Rife frequencies
- Rainforest frequencies
- Ocean frequencies
- Dolphin/whale frequencies
- PEMF frequencies (Bemer)
- Grounding frequencies (barefoot on damp earth)
- Increased Cell Voltage from as low as 20 mV to 80 to 90 mV (cancer thrives in 20 mV, but cannot proliferate in an environment greater than 70 mV)
- 28% Reduction Surface Tension of Water = 200% increase in Cell Hydration
- Autophagy – triggered by Fasting or 2 Hours in an EESystem
- Increased Mitochondrial Function – 400-500% (mitochondria are the engines that drive all your cells)
- Optimal Connection of L/R Brain Hemispheres – Feel “Grounded”, Experience Mental Clarity, Positive Thoughts/Emotions
- Happy! (now on the “rare & endangered species” list…)
Users of the system have proclaimed positive effects after only a couple hours in the system room. Other benefits occur after several sessions. Users have experienced beneficial effects including but not limited to:
- Joint/Muscle Pain Reduction
- Increased Focus/Cognitive capabilities
- Vision Improvement
- Improved Motor Function
- Reduced Sinus Pressure
- Tumor Size Reduction
- Rapid Healing of Skin Damage
- Improved Blood Pressure
- Reduced or Eliminated Migraine Headaches